Search Engine Marketing
- Introduction to Search Engine Marketing
- Search Engine Marketing strategies
- Merits and Demerits of social media marketing
Search Engine Marketing is the direct way to increase traffic through paid advertisement to a particular website. almost each and every internet subscriber is in touch with many search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask and many more. Search Engine marketing programs are also called as Pay Per Click (PPC) programs.
There are basically three famous search engines for SEM:
- Google Search Engine Marketing
- Bing Search Engine Marketing
- Yahoo Search Engine Marketing
Google Search Engine Marketing:
Google search engine marketing is also known as Google Adwords. For promoting the products, on google, a user must have to sign up for a Google Adwords account. The signing up process of Google Adwords account is free of cost but for displaying their ads on google, a user must have to recharge their account and set up their daily limit, keywords, geographical location etc. Many other criteria like CPC, CTR, Page Rank, landing page etc are the main things which plays an important for the ad’s position and their bidding price on google.
Bing Search Engine Marketing:
Same as google, Bing has also their search engine marketing program. Their program also needs an account on Bing.com. Bing has their own criteria to give ranks and position of the ads.
Yahoo Search Engine Marketing:
Yahoo search engine marketing program is known as Yahoo Affiliate program. Now a day, it is less popular among people as compared to google.com and bing.com. But it’s a good thing also as there is less competition for the people who just start their product promotion on internet through paid marketing.
Merits and Demerits of Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
- You can catch lacks of people by displaying your ads on top position on search engines.
- You can target your audience geographically.
- You can pause your campaign at any of the time if customers exceed the limits.
- Something users cannot get the results as per their expectation.